Conference program

The precise program will appear on the website imminently. In the mean time, here are some of the academic speakers we will be happy to welcome amongst us on May 23-24th :

  • Ghada Arfaoui
  • Abderrahime Benslimane
  • Sébastien Canard
  • Cédric Eichler (Keynote speaker)
  • Philippe Gaborit (Keynote speaker)
  • Guillaume Goy
  • Pascal Lafourcade
  • Charles Olivier-Anclin
  • Cristina Onete
  • Melek Önen
  • Olivier Ruatta

In addition to these academic talks we will be welcoming several student presentations of recent results.

Don’t forget to register ! Link here in English and respectively in French !

Day 1

  • 9h 10 : Intro/welcome

  • 9h 20 : Pascal Lafourcade

  • 10h 05 : Guillaume Goy : Récupération de la clef partagée de HQC en une seule trace avec SASCA

    Coffee Break

  • 11h 10 : Olivier Ruatta


  • 13h 30 : KEYNOTE : Cédric Eichler : How private is differential privacy ?

  • 14h 30 : Abderrahim Benslimane :

  • 15h 15 : Grace Masse : A Secure Hierarchical Federated Learning Using Dirichlet-based Trust Management

    Coffee Break

  • 15h 55 : Chayma Khalfaoui : An Efficient Quantum Consensus for Trust and Privacy Preservation in Blockchain

  • 16h 15 : Carole Kombou : Mitigating Energy Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Deception: A Game Theoretic Approach.

  • 16h 35 : Dara Tith : A Trust Policy Model for Self-Sovereign Identity

Day 2

  • 9h 10 : Welcome on Day 2

  • 9h 20 : Presentation of the AVSL

  • 9h 30 : Presentation Centre de Ressources en Cybersécurité Limoges

  • 9h 50 : Presentation Naquidis

    Coffee Break

  • 10h 30 : Cristina Onete

  • 11h 50 : Charles Olivier-Anclin : EMV-Compliant and Usable Anonymity for Contactless Payments

  • 11h 30 : Ghada Arfaoui : Attestation for mobile networks


  • 13h 45 : KEYNOTE Philippe Gaborit : Cryptographie post-quantique, alternatives et enjeux

  • 14h 45 : Sébastien Canard : Faut-il réduire la cybersécurité à la confidentialité des données ?

    Coffee Break

  • 15h 30 : Closing remarks