Call for participation

Trust and Privacy in Networks (TRUSTNET DAY)

Description of the event

The second edition of TRUSTNET DAY is a 2-day workshop, organised on May 23rd and 24th, whose main goal is to allow members of the research community and of the industry to exchange on matters of Trust, Security, and Privacy.


The first of the two workshop days will include presentations by researchers of all levels (senior, junior, Ph.D. students, etc.). The presentations and discussions will be focused on 4 topics in which the notion of trust plays a major part:

  • Evolving trust assumptions: quantum-resistant cryptography
  • Trust through Attestation
  • Trust and user Privacy
  • Blockchain, IoT, and Trust

The second day will focus on trust assumptions in practice and how trust plays into today’s socio-economic environment. During this day, there will be invited talks from the industry, as well as a round-table discussion on the various aspects of trust that are the most prevalent in the industry.

Between the two days, we are organizing a Capture The Flag (CTF) event, which is meant for teams of master students.


Please submit an extended abstract of your work, no longer than 5 pages (inclulding bibliography) in a single-column pdf format with reasonable margins and font size. Submissions are to be sent to

The extended abstract must include a 1/2-page to 1 page section detailing how your work relates to one or more of the 4 topics presented above. The submission must focus on aspects you will focus on in your poster or during your presentation.

All submissions violating these requirements will be rejected with no further consideration of their merits.

Your work might be accepted in different formats: posters, lightning talks (180 seconds), short talks (10 minutes) or full presentations (20-30 minutes).

The submission deadline is set to May 12th 2024.

Registration (deadline May 18th, 2024)

Participations are free but registration is mandatory: please fill out this form in English or this form in French (not both).

Capture the Flag (TRUSTNET DAY)

We are pleased to announce that a CTF event will be organised on May 23rd for Master-level students ! Please bring your best team of maximum 4 students forth to face the exciting challenges we have in store for them.

We have room for 10 teams of 4 members each, first come first registered.

Registration (deadline May 18th, 2024)

Participation is free but registration is mandatory: please fill out this form in French to register your team.